
A ghostly, half-dissolved face with glowing red eyes emerges from the darkness, lips parted, hunger dripping from every curve of its form.

An Uncontrollable Urge

It started as a whisper beneath her skin, a slow pulse between her ribs, a breathless ache that had nothing to do with air. Heat slithered through her veins, pooling low, curling around her spine like a lover’s hand. Her lips parted, desperate for something she couldn’t name. Something deeper, darker, hungrier.

The craving owned her.

It curled around her, a shadow with fingers like silk and teeth like knives. Her reflection in the glass was no longer hers. The woman staring back was half-dissolved, her edges bleeding into darkness, her mouth slightly open, her breath heavy, her eyes burning red with insatiable hunger.

She ran her tongue over her teeth, felt the sharpness there. A shudder rippled through her.


She understood now.

It wasn’t fear burning in her chest. It was pleasure. The kind that swallowed you whole. The kind you never wanted to escape.

The kind that you couldn’t.